Thursday, September 19, 2013

Rehearsing Rent

Have I said lately how much I love being a part of the local community theater scene here in Danville? Tonight is rehearsal again.  Unlike the past couple rehearsals(which were insightful and amazing, but were acting exercises) tonight is back to singing.  I am so excited to see what the goosebump moment of the evening will be.

Our focus has been building a community.  That is what we all want isn't it?  A group, a family, a safe place to fall.  People who love you no matter what.  No matter what you back ground is, no matter what your race is, no matter what your sexuality is, no matter what your bank account is.  Why is that so difficult.  I feel like we are all becoming a really lovely little community, as we all get to know each other.  All you need is love, love is all you need.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


As a New Years Resolution for 2013 I pledged to step outside my comfort zone.  I had done some theater in high school and loved it.  But life took over and I never pursued that dream.  So with a little encouragement from the amazing Suzy Smalley, I auditioned for Promises.  I had the time of my life and I was hooked. I wanted to learn every aspect of the theater.  When Suzy asked me if I wanted to help with RENT I jumped at the chance.

I was a little skeptical when Jesse said the first rehearsal was going to be cleaning up Upstage.  But I put my faith in his vision for the production.  It was truly amazing watching everyone come together. Then on Tuesday hearing the voices come together....I had goosebumps.  I am so excited to see what comes next.